Maria Kolby Sonstad



Maria Kolby Sonstad is a Norwegian cellist who graduated from The Royal Academy of Music in Århus in 2023, after five years of studies with professor Henrik Brendstrup, including a semester with Christopher Marwood at the Royal Irish Academy of Music. Recently, Maria secured a position with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland after a successful trial period. She now works and resides in Dublin.

She has been an active freelancer in Denmark for many years, engaging in chamber music and orchestras, and beyond the classical realms she has been a part of diverse collaborations, from performances with kora player Dawda Jobarteh to contributions to Granhøj Dans productions, alongside film- and album recordings.


What are your interests besides music?

I love spending time in nature! Aside from that I enjoy keeping active; working out, teaching group fitness classes, doing yoga and running - as well as spending quality time with my loved ones.

Who are your biggest inspirations and why? 

My sister Anna; Her way of unblinkingly trusting herself, her grit and of course her sublime musicianship. Sol Gabetta; Just an amazing cellist My incredibly brave friend Sigrid who is always willing to go the extra mile for others, and is never afraid to raise her voice.

Your top 3 favourite pieces of music

Mahler's 9th symphony

Grieg String Quartet in G-minor

“I hope you dance” - Lee Ann Womack

What do you like about playing chamber music?

The way you get to connect to friends and strangers through music. 

Tell us a fun fact about you

 I once represented Norway in the European Championship in Fitness and Bodybuilding.